The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), met virtually Aug. 12, 2020, to consider pertinent association business with its members. There were 60 member nursing regulatory bodies (MNRBs) represented by delegates.
Highlights of some of the significant actions approved by the MNRBs:
Elections to the Board of Directors:
NCSBN delegates also elected members of the Leadership Succession Committee (LSC):
NCSBN recognized its dedicated and exceptional membership.
The R. Louise McManus Award is the most prestigious award. Individuals nominated for this award shall have made sustained and significant contributions through the highest commitment and dedication to the mission and vision of NCSBN.
2020 R. Louise McManus Award Recipient:
Lori Scheidt, MBA-HCM
Executive Director, Missouri State Board of Nursing
‣Watch the R. Louise McManus Video
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This prestigious award is given only upon occasion that an individual with ethics, integrity and sincerity has demonstrated the highest regard for the ideals and beliefs upon which NCSBN was founded.
2020 Founders Award Recipient:
Elizabeth Lund, MSN, RN
Former Executive Director, Tennessee Board of Nursing
‣Watch the Libby's Founder Video
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2020 Founders Award Recipient:
Carmen A. Catizone, MS, DPh, RPh
Former Executive Director/Secretary, National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
‣Watch the Carmen's Founders Video
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The Meritorious Service Award is granted to a member for significant contributions to the mission and vision of NCSBN.
2020 Meritorious Service Award Recipient:
Adrian Guerrero, CPM
Kansas State Board of Nursing
‣Watch the Meritorious Service Video
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The Elaine Ellibee Award is granted to a member who has served as a board president within the past two years and who has made significant contributions to NCSBN.
2020 Elaine Ellibee Award Recipient:
Patricia Sharpnack, DNP, RN, CNE, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN
Board Member (Past President), Ohio Board of Nursing
‣Watch the Elaine Ellibee Video
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The Exceptional Contribution Award is granted for significant contribution by a member who is not a president or executive officer and has demonstrated support of NCSBN’s mission.
2020 Exceptional Contribution Award Recipient:
Mary A. Baroni, PhD, RN
Board Member, Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission
‣Watch the Exceptional Contribution Video
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The Distinguished Achievement Award is given to individuals whose contributions or accomplishments have impacted NCSBN’s mission and vision.
2020 Distinguished Achievement Award Recipient:
David Swankin, Esq.
President and CEO of the Citizen Advocacy Center (CAC)
‣Watch the Distinguished Achievement Video
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The Regulatory Achievement Award recognizes the member board or associate member that has made an identifiable, significant contribution to the mission and vision of NCSBN in promoting public policy related to the safe and effective practice of nursing in the interest of public welfare.
2020 Regulatory Achievement Award Recipient:
The North Carolina Board of Nursing
‣Watch the Regulatory Achievement Video
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The award is given in five-year increments to individuals serving in the Executive Officer role. No nomination is necessary for the Executive Officer Recognition Award as it is presented to Executive Officers based on his or her years of service in five-year increments.
Five Years of Service (left to right, top to bottom):
Peggy Benson, MSN, MSHA, NE-BC
Executive Officer, Alabama Board of Nursing
Margaret Clifton, MS, RN-BC, CLNC
State Director, Rhode Island Board of Nurse Registration and Nursing Education
Kim Esquibel, PhD, MSN, MPA, RN
Executive Director, Maine State Board of Nursing
Laurie Janes, MSc, RN
Executive Director, Nurses Association of New Brunswick
Carole Mercier, MSc, RN, ASC (not pictured)
Former Secretary General, Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec
Phyllis Mitchell, MSN, RN
Executive Director, Vermont State Board of Nursing
Stacey Pfenning, DNP, APRN, FNP, FAANP
Executive Director, North Dakota Board of Nursing
Margaret Sesepasara, MS, RN (not pictured)
Executive Secretary, American Samoa Health Services Regulatory Board
Lorena Silva, MSN-L, MBA, DNP, RN
Executive Director, Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing
Sue Smith, MAOL, RN
CEO & Registrar, Nova Scotia College of Nursing
Katherine Stansfield, MN, RN
CEO & Registrar, College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba
10 Years of Service (left to right, top to bottom):
Joe Baker, Jr.
Executive Director, Florida Board of Nursing
Jim Cleghorn, MA
Former Executive Director, Georgia Board of Nursing
Sue Tedford, MNSc, APRN
Executive Director, Arkansas State Board of Nursing
Lee Ann N. Teshima
Executive Officer, Hawaii Board of Nursing
15 Years of Service (left to right, top to bottom):
Betsy Houchen, JD, MS, RN
Executive Director, Ohio Board of Nursing
25 Years of Service (left to right, top to bottom):
Joey Ridenour, MN, RN, FAAN
Executive Director, Arizona State Board of Nursing
Kathy Thomas, MN, RN, FAAN
Executive Director, Texas Board of Nursing
35 Years of Service (left to right, top to bottom):
Elizabeth Lund, MSN, RN
Former Executive Director, Tennessee Board of Nursing